Striped Silk Curtains What Would You Prefer Silk, Cotton , Linenor Striped Curtains?

What would you prefer silk, cotton , linenor striped curtains? - striped silk curtains

OK, why ..!
Thank you.


RoteHexe said...

as pure as possible, because I love (the sun and day) of light

Izzygurl said...

You can never go wrong with silk curtains, but depends on the color of the room and room-type curtains are gone, if you create soothing / relaxation room want to go with silk. When the curtain around children, I suggest cotton. If you want cutrains striped cloth, which are versatile in their mood and what can go into the room, I think they look great in bedrooms.

Hunter's... said...

If you shutters and curtains, but then fall on the side with the things I would rather take the luxury of the tip in contact, but I love my blue room with a beautiful design in the luxury kitchen window. my son alone in the house with a blind, so we can see outside while washing dishes or cooking.

Marygoro... said...

Certainly not the silk. It depends, you'll see what the rest of the room. Color of floors, walls, furniture. I need information before I choose a window too.

Florence P said...

I opened a window, we have the landscape. But I understand that if you live in a glass house, do not dress the room! But I let Peep! Ha-Ha

Adriel S said...

If you do nothing but make --
Windows have a beautiful
trim (wood design on the edges of the window)

Mrs. Marco Andretti said...

Silk. I do not know why. A curtain is a curtain for me.

♥ Bernice ♥Happy 2010 said...


Bob Dylan said...

None of these answers. Who needs curtains in a car.

CHERYL (aka cchot2u) said...

I prefer pure

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