How Much Wweave Is Needed For One Head I Had Long Hair Once Upon A Time Should I Keep Wweave Intil It Grows Back?

I had long hair once upon a time should i keep wweave intil it grows back? - how much wweave is needed for one head

His hair was lon when I was younger and now I'm running I think cutting and weaving are defending B to expand Her hair is chin length and


crazybex... said...

Why not hair extensions?

Cynthia S said...

Hair extensions are really bad for your hair, I have heard. So the man says "What Not To Wear". I had long hair for a very long time and I went straight from there to a stacked Bob, I am more and more of my hair and I'm back a little longer than shoulder level. I would say, to highlight or dye, or give away a yard to work in any direction, but as little as possible, healthy and beautiful, if the desired length.

mytrueha... said...

The fabrics are for growing your hair as long as you give at the seams, the method perfectly and eliminate every two months, your hair a shampoo and treatment. If yur hair is natural (not relaxed) and I want another aspect, set the role of the hair with rollers roasting. This gives you a nice soft set with Joanne on the show "Girlfriends"

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