Scabies Night Sweats Could This Be Scabies? Or What Could This Itching Be...?

Could this be scabies? Or what could this itching be...? - scabies night sweats

Well, I noticed what has happened 2 or 3 times so far. At night, when I start to sweat a little present to open the pores ... and gives me a severe itching in the chest and back, with a little in my arm. I have to tear his shirt so bad, its like riding in the wet grass. Ideas? I do nothing rash or


gizzaclu... said...

Certainly not scabies. It is an intense localized itching (with rash) usually in a humid environment.
Maybe you're just allergic to something? All medicines bodyspray new detergent?
Would you have dry skin and need a moisturizer. Try something fragrant E45 for example. However, the central heating that it is rather dry. Avoid overheating.

katie said...

This is not a scab. Scabies is a skin rash that is worse. Perhaps there is something in your diet, sweat from the skin reacts badly, well, maybe you try Barndad detergent at a slower pace than Dreft.

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